Proverbs is 50% less than Pay Pal and other providers
Work witih someone who is equally yoked
Churches average 2.00% including everything
Ministries, schools and camps average under 2.00% including everything
How do we get our pricing so low?
Debit Cards 1.00% (Churches take 80% debit cards)
Rewards Cards 3.15%
Authorization Fee $ .15 each
ACH-$15.00 per month .50%+ $.50 each check
Basic Package $15.00 month
+2.00 % in Merchant Service Fees
Giving pages for email, Facebook, You Tube, Website, QR CODE
Mobile payments, reporting, one time and recurring payments
Mobile Payments, coffee Shop, bookstore, events, schools, day care, cafe, registration payments, events and more…………..
24 Hour set up
Simplified Giving/Donor Management
Month to Month No Contracts
$35.00 per month < $5,000
$55.00 per month $5,000-$50,000
$85 per month > $50,000
*** +2.00 % On Merchant Services
Simplified Giving Videos
Facebook Live streaming
Unlimited Donation Pages
Text to Give
Donor Tracking Cash and Credit
Event Ticketing
Social Media Fundraising
Unlimited Funds
much more…..

480-529-1414 Main
1832 E Sharon Dr Phoenix AZ 85022
Proverbs Payments LLC is an ISO of Agile Financial Systems. Agile Financial Systems (AFS) is a registered Independent Sales Organization/MSP of Avida Bank, Hudson, MA, Merrick Bank, South Jordan, UT, Wells Fargo Bank N.A., Concord, CA, and Fifth Third Bank, N.A. Cincinnati, OH, Agile Financial Systems is a DBA of REV19, LLC, all rights reserved.
Proverbs Payments is an ISO of Payarc LLC. Payarc LLC is a registered ISO/MSP of Commercial Bank of California, Irvine, Ca, Evolve Bank & Trust, Memphis, TN, FFB Bank, Fresno, CA and a registered payment facilitator of Pathward Bank.